Curriculum Vitae (CV) and how it helps you in today’s world
Are you unemployed?
Have you had a hard time getting called for interviews?
Do you have work experience but find it hard getting a job?
Do you believe you can turn your luck around?
Please register yourself for a workshop on 5th November 2011.
Topics to be discussed include:
Have you had a hard time getting called for interviews?
Do you have work experience but find it hard getting a job?
Do you believe you can turn your luck around?
Please register yourself for a workshop on 5th November 2011.
Topics to be discussed include:
- Importance of a CV in today’s world
- What employers look for in a CV
- “Advertise” yourself through your CV
- Using Technology and Social Networks to get employment
Mode of the Workshop
- Interactive discussions
- Presentations
- Group Work
- One on one Q&A with the facilitators
Why you should attend:
1. It is a chance for you to interact with people in similar situations
2. You will get a chance to update your CV
3. Direct tips from Recruitment Managers
Cost of the workshop is TZS 20,000/= per person.
1. It is a chance for you to interact with people in similar situations
2. You will get a chance to update your CV
3. Direct tips from Recruitment Managers
Cost of the workshop is TZS 20,000/= per person.
Venue: Elite Career Choices Offices Kinondoni Hananasif, behind TX market just before Catholic Church
The workshop will start from 9am and will end with lunch for everyone.
Who should attend
Fresh graduates
Unemployed graduates
Final year students
For registration and more information please email training@elitecareers.co.tz or call +255 715 77 11 77
Who should attend
Fresh graduates
Unemployed graduates
Final year students
For registration and more information please email training@elitecareers.co.tz or call +255 715 77 11 77
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