Sunday, October 30, 2011

Is changing Employers the answer to job satisfaction?

An interesting question that is asked during interviews is ‘why would you want to work for our company?’ That’s a difficult question to answer at times, although we often forge an answer to convince the interviewer. Do we move around from one employer to the next in search of better benefits, higher pay, and more responsibilities?

Have we been caught up in the whirl wind of the employment world such that we lose focus of what we dream of doing? There are numerous people who study Accounting, Human Resources, Law just to mention a few and end up working in departments totally unrelated to what they studied. Is it something they love doing or are they caught up in the lie of “I will start with this, then move to another department once I am in “.
Does it mean we work because such an opportunity has presented itself or do we actually love what we are doing? Personal satisfaction should play a big part in motivating us to move to other jobs and not just better pay. The same work you do for one employer will be the same work you will do for another employer, maybe even more.

Imagine immersing yourself into what you enjoy doing and what gives you personal satisfaction. Waking up in the morning will seem less stressful, your hours during the day will pass faster, you will be excited to return to work the following day and you will appreciate yourself more.
So the next time you are tired of one employer, think critically on what it is that makes you want to leave and whether a new job will give you the satisfaction you are looking for.

Happy Job Hopping!

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