Monday, May 7, 2012

Talking about your personal life......

People are different when it comes to communication. There are some of us who do not like to ask many questions and pry into other people's lives. There are also those who like to know everything about a person. When is it the point that you draw the line? I would not want to know where a friend or acquaintance's husband works., how would that help me? I only ask whatever I feel will be useful for me at that point. Everything else , not interested. There are some people who even dare to ask "so how much are they paying you there?' Jeez, of what use will my salary be to you? Do you plan on helping me pay my bills if it's not enough?

On the part of people who talk about themselves....when you are stressed and need to let it out, its acceptable if you talk to someone close to you. In such a situation you are releasing your stress and it helps in calming you down. But then can't talk about each and every thing with just anyone. If we have met like 3 times and the third time you are telling me about how your aunt was nearly chosen as Prime Minister and you come from a family of wealthy people...seriously I will make my excuses and leave you there. So your family is rich....and? Will you live a longer life because of your wealth? Are you immortal?

For those who are given the gift of the your words and choose what you speak and to whom. Some people are not what they seem. They wait for the perfect time when you are down, to start reciting everything you ever said.

Don't get me open....but not too open....or else get ready to face the consequences.

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