Friday, November 18, 2011

Horrible Bosses!

Have you heard or seen the movie Horrible bosses? The characters in the movie portray their bosses as horrible bosses. We see how these bosses act and how they treat their subordinates and surely agree they deserve the title of horrible bosses.

I guess the term horrible bosses may be subjective. To one employee a boss who constantly shouts at him in front of his colleagues deserves the title. To another person, a boss who constantly puts him down is a horrible boss. To someone else, a horrible boss may be one who gives him/her assignments at 4.30pm on a Friday.

What is your idea of a horrible boss?

I had the pleasure to work with a boss who kept following things up. Every half an hour, “what is the status of that?”, “how far have you reached?” I used to get mad! That is like nagging! All the time!!!! But at the end of the day that’s one of the things that stuck to my mind. I learnt that you have to constantly be aware of what is going on so if there are any delays you know why and where the delay is. Basically you get to be on top of things, and that is key for any managerial position.

We do not know the importance of what our bosses do or what they teach us until we are no longer with them, maybe with other bosses or with a new employer altogether.

So the next time you wish your boss would turn into a frog, think again and try to understand where they are coming from, and absorb everything you think may be useful. I repeat, that may be useful, not everything!

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