Thursday, February 2, 2012

Water Crisis in Dar- Itaisha lini?

The Vehicle carrying the scarce resource of WATER

I was told by some people that these days DAWASCO water is so unreliable such that there is a big truck that sells water and it is popular with a lot of customers.

It is something of a norm for people of Ubungo not to have water for days. Some even forget DAWASCO water exits. 

So today I saw the legendary truck bringing water and the driver was kind enough to take it to the doorsteps of those people who had Simtanks. I am told usually they park on the road and people come from their houses with buckets and the water is charged per bucket.
I witnessed neighbours coming out of their houses with buckets thankful that the truck had come closer. Like Manna falling from heaven.
Haya matatizo sijui yataisha lini!
 I so long for the days when water was trickling down the taps in abundance…’s all a part of history now.
Funny enough the kind suppliers of the water are called DAWACO (Dolphin Water Company) how nice.

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