Wednesday, February 29, 2012

What amount of salary is "enough"?

It reaches a time in our lives when we decide , it is time to look for another job that pays well. We start applying for jobs that seem like they pay much better than what we are currently earning. So you get excited when called for an interview, then later on being told you were successful . So the job pays you a net salary 500,000/= more than your previous salary.

At first you think now I can manage to live comfortably! Maybe you will be able to save more than you previously did. After 2-3 months you start feeling the same way you felt in your previous job. The money is not enough!

What amount of salary will make you comfortable? Will your pattern of spending remain the same as it was like the day you got your first job?

With additional income comes additional expenditures. All of a sudden you want to eat at good restaurants, you want to visit high class hotels and joints, because now you can afford it .

At the end of the day you go back to the same place you were before you got a salary change. Waiting for the paycheck at the end of the month.........

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